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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Tiger

A-ha! I just saw a dog that looked like a Tiger on MSN news and remembered a dream I had last night of a tiger. He was trying to communicate with me, trying to make it's prescence known.
I dreamed twice before in my life of a Tiger. He appeared once in an underpass on the highway in another country. He curled up with me for a nap. Another time he appeared at a gate in an ancient land, in another time. I had traveled there in a vehicle in the air, down a path that was lit by God's light. I was dropped off at a gate which was surrounded by reeds and ancient ruins. The gate entered a circular tented area. I went through the gate as did my husband into this area and then the tiger sqeezed through the bars and joined us. Looking back out on the land behind us it was suddenly green pastures, with a cow grazing there.

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