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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Flood

I call this dream the flood although it was really about a storm but I came out of it with the word flood in my head. I dreamed a storm created a flooding so badly that only one man remained on an island clinging to the rocks. There were tidal waves and water splashing and crashing all over the place, flooding the streets and cities and towns. I knew he couldn't survive and eventually he too would die. It felt like it was here in Massachusetts, perhaps the Cape Cod. A place with islands. I was shocked that could happen here but it did. In the morning I woke up and the news said that Hurricane Earl would go after the Cape if it kept going the way it was going.
I am not sure if this dream was due to all the news stories of Hurricane Earl of maybe it's an emotion upset ready to happen. Water is emotion. If that's the case then I better get myself locked up in a looney bin with padded walls because no one survived this storm.

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