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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Two Young Guys and the Two Bad Men

I dreamed two young guys were in the basement of someones house just fumbling through some belongings in the semi dark. Suddenly they heard the man who lived there had arrived home and it startled them because they weren't supposed to be there. They got scared and ran through the basement until they found a door to leave through but you could hear the guy upstairs running just as quickly toward the exit. The door they were about to leave through was opened just a crack and you could see the light beaming in from outside. Hope. As they reached for it the dream suddenly blackens and restarts again in a very gloomy scene. Outside the home there was a little square white car parked. In it was the bad man and his bad friend and the two young guys. One of the bad guys sitting in the back seat held a gun up to the back one of the kids heads who was sitting in the front seat, and kept threatening him "I'll blow your head off!" --there was a lot of frightening yelling and screaming and pleading going on, and just when you've convinced yourself that the bad guys are just trying to scare the young guys, after that small bit of silence amongst the screaming, the bad guy shoots the gun and blows half the kids head off, the top half to be precise. Chunks of skull and brain and blood were hurled forward into the front window and then some. The other kid, a curly blonde haired kid, was released. He got out of the car, very shaken and grateful to be alive, and walked away all covered with blood . I was very disturbed.

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