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Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Rare Red Ducks

Not last night but the night before I heard my husband talk in his sleep. He said something like 'well if you want to argue then....' So when he awoke I was just about to ask him if he had any dreams and he started to tell me one while his eyes were still unopened. He said we were strolling down a park walkway and approached a family of beautiful rare red ducks. The said they had a beautiful bright red coat and a brown head and a bright yellow beak. He was amazed at their beauty and how lucky we were to find them. That's when I pushed them out of their nest! He turned to me and said "YOU ARE SO MEAN!" Twice.

I guess I am a bit mean, but I would never harm a duck. I might ruffle a few feathers now and then but only because you've got to make birds fly. That's the only thing I can think of, but the bottom line is, mean is mean, no matter what your intent. ;(

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